Pole Siblings are made up of real-life brother and sister Sofia and Johan Stolpe. The Finnish pair, now residing in Sweden, rallied together through music after the passing of their father, using their voices and instruments as an outlet for their pain. Their debut single 'Ghosts' is a heart-wrenchingly delicate dream pop number, doused in reverb and melancholy, which conjures memories of Beach House's 2012 LP Bloom. Singer Sofia explains, “Death is a very humbling experience. You realize you can’t hold on to certain things, cause there’s no one there to help you let go of your regrets, questions or pent up anger. Both of us are relational people, brought up having to find strength, and refuge, in each other. We had a strong need to go through our shared history of emotions and they couldn’t go anywhere else than into songs.” - HLMX